Meet your local florist Florencia Florist & Events is partnership of many kinds, including one from a combined two-decade history in the floral industry. Our styles and smiles hail from two loving, vibrant cultures: Filipino and Italian, and we have been serving floral on Long Island through Oberle's Florist, Cipriano, and now, our very own Florencia on 1660 Front Street.
We deliver flowers same-day or on a scheduled date to homes and businesses in greater Long Island, and cater to all holiday and event needs:
Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Easter, Birthdays, Weddings, anniversaries, bridal showers, baby showers, Holy Communion, prom, galas, funerals, ceremonies, and everything in between. Shop from our online store, visit our flagship store in East Meadow, or contact us for designs and quotes.
We are proudly family-owned, woman-owned, and immigrant-owned small business, and we are honored to serve the thriving, diverse communities of Long Island, NY.
Florencia Florist & Events was created by and for families. At the heart of what we do is the feeling of being welcomed, celebrated, and honored. As we say at the flower shop, “Come for the flowers, stay for the friendly smiles and conversation.” You help grow the Florencia family by reposting our photos, recommending us, and visiting our shop with friends. As always, thank you.
Florencia © 2023. All rights reserved.